John the Baptist had reached the autumn of his ministry, indeed his life. He understood his ministry well… And it was almost complete. He must decrease, shrink, sink into the background after enjoying the greatest fame of his day.

But wait! No! Our world resists shrinking as a sign of “failure”! Our wisdom says to stay in the spotlight, grab attention, keep working and moving, fighting to stay relevant, to succeed. Our world, misses the point of Jesus that John knew, that true success is more of Him and less of us.

Does our walk draw attention to ourself? Do we ensure that we get credit, with our name placed where we contributed? Do we speak of “our” success, “our” skill, “our” abilities. Or do we glorify Jesus, recognize His handiwork, give credit to His hand? Do we decrease while Jesus increases?

God’s purpose is not always to grow, to add numbers, to spread influence. No, here God’s plan for John was to end his public ministry. As his autumn arrived, he admitted it openly. Are we OK with that? Do we obey freely if the plan does not include prosperity and fame? Are we seeking for Jesus to increase, or ourselves to increase?

Ask God to show you your heart, if you dare. Ask Him to reveal every last bit of selfish ambition that keeps you in the light. Ask Him to drive it out, so that your heart is pure, so that your goal is His glory, and His alone. Ask that when people look at you, they only see Jesus! Then.. Through that level of deep purity and holiness, can we walk in God’s power. Only when we seek to glorify Him can He grant the power to move mountains.

You see, the Christian walk is simple. The more of Jesus others see in us, and the less of ourselves, the more effective and powerful our life is. The irony is, it is our insignificance that opens the door to the life-changing power of the universe!

Seek to decrease, to focus on Jesus so that He might increase until His glory overwhelms us and shines through. Power through weakness, influence through obscurity, peace through simple obedience.

More of Him and less of us.

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